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I have created three demo events so that you can see some of the adminstrative capabilities of the system. I have configured all the demo events in different ways to demonstrate the degree of flexibility in the registration form setup and the administrative functions.

To access the administration pages for these demo events, please click the "Login as Demo Now" button below, or login as user 'demo', account 'guest', password 'guest' from the Login Page.
This account has access to view reports and update bookings, but not to create new events, modify the demo events, add/modify accounts, custom reports and other functions.
If you would like an account to play with the camp creation facilities, please Contact Me

Registration Pages for Demo Events: (Please make a test booking to start filling up the demo camps!!)

Login as Demo Now

Warning Access to bookings for these demo events is open to everyone. If you choose to register for any of the demo events, we recommend that you do not use your real details.
Feel free to use '' as the email address if you do not want to use your own.

Note: If you do not use your real email address, you won't receive a booking confirmation email, but you can always log in as the guest user to see your booking.